You are working out with weights. The first time feels easy, but each subsequent lift requires increasing amounts of effort until you are unable to continue. The muscles responsible for lifting have become unable to contract inside your arms.
What causes our muscles to become tired? Lactic acid or a lack of energy are frequently blamed, however these variables alone do not account for muscle tiredness. Another important factor is the capacity of the muscle to respond to brain messages.
It helps to understand how a muscle contracts in response to a nerve signal in order to comprehend the causes of muscular tiredness. Motor neurons are long, thin cells that transmit messages from the brain to the muscles in a fraction of a second. There is a little gap between the motor neuron and the muscle cell and the exchange of particles across this gap allows the muscle cell to contract. The motor neuron contains the neurotransmitter acetylcholine on one side of the gap. Charged particles, or ions, line the muscle cell membrane on the other side: potassium on the inside and sodium on the outside. The motor neuron releases acetylcholine in response to a signal from the brain, which causes pores on the muscle cell membrane to open. Sodium enters and potassium exits. The flux of these charged particles is an important step in muscular contraction: the charge shift generates an electrical signal known as an action potential, which travels through the muscle cell and stimulates the release of calcium that has been stored inside it. The muscle contracts as a result of the calcium flow because proteins buried in the muscle fibers lock together and ratchet towards each other, pulling the muscle tight. A chemical called ATP provides the energy to propel the contraction. After that, ATP assists in pumping the ions back across the membrane, resetting the sodium and potassium balance on either side. Every time a muscle contracts, the entire process is repeated.

With each contraction, ATP is depleted, waste products such as lactic acid are produced, and some ions drift away from the cell membrane of the muscle, leaving a smaller and smaller group behind. Despite the fact that muscle cells use up ATP when they contract repeatedly, they are constantly producing more, thus even extremely fatigued muscles have not depleted this energy source. Despite the fact that many waste products are acidic, fatigued muscles maintain a pH within normal ranges, showing that the tissue is cleaning these wastes adequately. However, after a number of contractions, there may not be enough potassium, sodium, or calcium ions at the muscle cell membrane to effectively reset the system. Even though the brain delivers a signal, the muscle cell is unable to create the requisite action potential to contract.
Although ions such as sodium, potassium, or calcium are low in or around the muscle cell, they are abundant elsewhere in the body. They will flow back to the places where they are needed with a little time, sometimes with the help of active sodium and potassium pumps. Muscle weariness will be relieved if you take a break and rest, since these ions will be replenished throughout the muscle.
The longer you exercise on a regular basis, the longer it takes for muscle tiredness to set in. This is because the stronger you are, the fewer times this cycle of nerve signal from the brain to muscle contraction must be repeated in order to lift a given quantity of weight. Because fewer cycles equal slower ion depletion, you can exercise for longer at the same intensity as your physical fitness improves. Many muscles expand as a result of exercise, and larger muscles have more ATP stores and a greater capacity to remove waste, delaying exhaustion even longer.